Thursday, April 16, 2009

Must Read for Conservatives

Mark Levin is one of my favorite talk show hosts. If you are lucky enough to catch his national talk show it will become part of your daily routine.

I recently went into one of those huge book store chains. You know the type where they hide any conservative books on obscure shelves, put the discount stickers over the face of the author or wrinkle or rip the cover to discourage you from purchasing it. I was happy to see that Mr. Levin's newest book was on sale. Even though I promised my wife I wouldn't buy any more books without the coupons that are hanging on the refrigerator at home I had to grab one.

I need to encourage everyone to read this book. It gives one man's opinion and thoughts of what direction we should be going as conservatives and Americans. I am only a third of the way through, I'll finish it tonight, but I am really enjoying it.

Sounds Like My Kind of Guy

I haven't had a chance to research the new Archbishop of New York, Timothy Dolan. But I must say, the short sound bites that I heard coming from the boob tube have electrified me in a way that I haven't felt since Pope John Paul II. This man appears to be the type of priest that Catholic Americans need. A no nonsense guy who loves life, loves God, and feels that we should be proud to be Cathlolic rather then just blend into the anonymous crowd. You know that he is going to be good when the media is attacking him this early.

I can't wait to learn more about him. I also look forward to hearing one of his homilies in the near future.

Tax Time

Like every April 15 it is that time of year. Tax time.

What always amazes me is the near elation people get with a refund. Many folks are happy that the government who over taxes, over spends and wastes your money gives back the money you gave them without interest. I like to equate a refund to someone holding my ice cream cone on the beach for an hour or so and then giving it back to me to eat. Yeah I can lick the drips and eat the cone but it would have been so much more useful and satisfying if I had it when I first got it.

I'm sure it is by design (Look what we did for you; you got a refund) instead of the reaction that we should be having (More then half of my salary is for taxes!!!)

My lovely home state of New Jersey has decided to step in line quickly with the rest of the Statists (Please refer to Mark Levins latest masterpiece for a definition) in Washington to raise my taxes. If all goes to their liking I will be paying a minimum of 62% of all that I make to varied branches of government through taxation.

I hope the Tea parties keep growing a grass roots movement to conservatism. Not a moderate, neo or any other type but a true conservative movement. Not a drive to existing Republican party politics (They are almost as bad) but a grass roots change.